Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Wishing for a snow day :)

Like there is even going to be that much snow that this (picture) is going to be needed. Its barley snowing. WELL its is starting to pick up. But ALL The other times the news said it was going to snow it never did. I am secretly hoping for no work tomorrow but for that to happen it would have to snow so hard that the power goes out.. or pipes freeze or the heat breaks. Which wont happen but oh well.. :) girl can dream.

Work today was quick. Only worked a few hours and then met a friend at my old college. I got the lucky chance to talk to an old... friend i guess i could say. :) 20 min. was not long enough to catch up on life but i manage to spill my guts. wow mind ninja... :P well... i Have an hour drive tonight so i hope the snow doesn't collect to bad to quickly. I miss the feeling of saying whatever comes to my mind and not feeling that i have to be afraid of what will come next. Sometimes difficult questions follow but at least once I leave that room, whatever was said stays there. I really need to find someone like that out in the real world. Thought they will never be the same.

I try hard to deal with life myself but sometimes its nice to talk to someone who just listens and unless you grant them to say nothing. I miss those days. I'm more willing to work on me now than i was before and i waisted all that time avoiding helping myself. :(

Oh and back to the snow **** snow snow**** snow some more*** don't you stop*** until tomorrow***

also mom is planning to go visit her boyfriend again... this time taking a plain. She has never flown and is going to for a man she barley knows.. If i asked her to she wouldn't have ever gone.. its kind of sad. Also i don't get to see her for her birthday because she will be with HIM!!!!!

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