Friday, February 3, 2012

divorce proceedings 2

My nephew moved out!!!!! he moved out with his mom two days ago. At first I was sooo sad.. Cryed for hours. I knew he would leave on day but I guess I wasn't ready. His cloths are gone, his toys are gone, his messes are gone, and my mom seems to be happy. She's getting things done around the house, and doesn't just play on the computer. Shea talking about fixing up the house  =). I'm sad devins not around, and ill miss his mom too.

So I'm still doing the alanon thing. I am surprised considering I don't ever stick to anything. I love the people. I try to pay attention at meetings but somethings are lost on me. I have/had a sponcer. I don't know right now. I have a good souled person who is helping me through the first three steps then I'm on my own. She's going to help me find a sponcer, I'm so blessed to have ever met her. I should say I'm so blessed I met the original person who sent me to alanon
 I originally went to the first meeting to prove I didn't need it. I thought I was right when the first meeting ended, but at the beginning of the meeting it said something about going to six meetings before you decide if alanon is for you. So I felt if I want to be completely right I will go to six. The third meeting was a doozy. I had no idea what I Hurd but I knew I belonged and I had only proven to myself I had problems and these strangers were going to help me fox them. My issues have lessened bit with each passing month I find more to work on, not they I know exactly hotoyo work on it yet.

Ok the point i was making was that i was told to write down what I'm thinking and or feeling when i feel burdened with lifes events, that's what I'm doing in this and more to follow blogs =)

So back to the Devon thing, my family gave up so much for that little boy when he entered this world unexspectidly, its going to be nice beeing free again. My parents are getting a divorce still that doesn't seem to change. Its sad but maybe when the process is over i won't be so sad all the time. I'll be able to cope with. Lifes sadness instead of expecting the unexpected. Divorce is sad but freeea everyone
 yes I'll be finachally screwed, but hey i am now. My dad will be free to drink as he pleases and won't have to worry about us being upset with that. Mom can date her NY boyfriend and not worry about dad disconecting the lights or internet. If I'm lucky I'll be able to live with my girl and not be sad about not seeing her... But we fight... All the time.. Its sad really. Moving in will eather force us to work things out or split is up. I am hoping for option one and dreading option two.

I have a hard time expressing emotions in writing and in person depending on said emotion. I can easily show anger, which isn't good at all. Loves easy too, but sadness or other important emotions are lost to the wind. Most of the time i can't put a finger on what's upsetting me or what feeling i am currently feeling. I hope to work on that through the steps of the program but who knows.. HP HELP!!!

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