Saturday, April 30, 2011

School From Beginning To End

          I originally started kindergarten in a town I don't know the name of nor do the I remember the school. I was four and it was full day kindergarten. Then we moved to Amesbury and they refused to take me into the their kindergarten class because I was to young. I had to wait three years before I could start again. I was almost done my first year of kindergarten when they wouldn't take me. I started kindergarten in Amesbury MA. in a small building called the Horas Mann School at the age of six, when most kids were only five. That building no longer exists as an elementary school. It now is a building that hold the supplies for the schools of the town, and is a Special Education Facility. This building had the only preschool classroom in the town, along with kindergarten and first grade classrooms. It was two floors but as you can see in the photo below it was small. I had Patty Bradly for Kindergarten. She was a sweet little lady. She wasn't old and was so nice to her students. She had a room that connected to a first grade class. The funny thing is I had the connecting teacher the following year. Marsha Stelmack. How have I remember the names of my teachers so well, my teachers helped guide me into who I am today. I wanted to be a teacher ever since my first day of kindergarten. I would pretend to be a teacher and teach my sister letters and numbers since she was smaller than I was. I don't know if that helped her in school when she started, but it was a fun past time for me.
(so the picture doesn't actually say welcome to the school. I added that when I couldn't get the bubble to go away.             Once a student made it to first grade you were given an IQ test. The results of this test might have been the reason I became coded in the school system, but I am unsure to when that started. There were two elementary schools a student could have been sent to once first grade was over. The Amesbury Elementary School or the Charles C. Cashman Elementary School. I was sent to the Cashman because the AE school had kindergarten and first grade classes in the building while the Cashman did not. Most students who went to the Horas Mann school were sent to the Cashman to continue Elementary school. I believe the reason for this split elementary school was due to the town boundaries. Whatever school you lived closer to you got to go to that school unless otherwise specified. For example, there was a kid in my first and second grade class who was allergic to latex. He was sent to AE because he was allergic to the new gym floor at the Cashman.

(This is the Cashman School. It is different from when I was student. The school raised money and rebuilt the section of the school I had classes in. )

         I attended the Cashman for second-fourth grade. I was the one of the lucky fifth graders they used as a guinea pig to see if the middle school could work with fifth graders in it. I guess it worked out fine because the fifth grade classrooms are still in the middle school. I had Ms. LaPlant for second and third grade. Mom thought it would be easier for me if I had the same teacher. It was a nightmare. I was so upset when I found out I was having the same lady again. She was not so nice to me. I really didn't get along with her. But then I moved onto a really nice lady named Miss Coffen. Mean forth graders told me she was the teacher who lived in a coffin. I wanted to cry. So I told my teacher what they said and she laughed at me. She brought me over to my new teacher the last day of third grade so i could meat her and not worry about who my teacher was during the summer. My teacher was so nice and i was excited to have her. Forth grade was the best year i feel. We learned to write and read better. Also that was the year the school system found out I couldn't read. I ended up with a morning reading group and an afternoon reading group. I loved the morning one and hated the one in the afternoon. It was so repetitive i couldn't take it. I started acting out to do something new in there. I wouldn't do what we were supposed to because i was board. I told mom and i was removed from there. So i ended up only having a morning reading group. I believe it helped because i can read and write. Though i cant spell well (bet you couldn't tell, jk)

         I had my fifth grade classroom in the Middle School. This was the first time I had a male teacher. I was so scared. But he was so nice I got over it. This is the part of my childhood teachers I start to forget who they were. I can picture their faces but not their names.

(This is the Amesbury

      I had four classes but only three teachers in Fifth grade and I will do my best to remember who they are. I had a male science teacher named  _________  he was also my history teacher. (ok i know that looks back.. lol) I had a male math teacher named Mr. Adams, I had a female English teacher(s) (the S is because we had so many changed English teachers i don't remember who they are/were)

    In sixth grade I had four teachers for my four classes. (I'm not listing art teachers or music or anything like that because I have no clue) My Math teacher was a female named ______ (ok this one is sad i don't remember  because she was my neighbor. lol) My English teacher was a Female named ______ (i didn't like her so i guess its fine i don't know her name) My history teacher was so nice but i don't remember her name, and my science teacher was Mr. Bent. He was the best. He was so funny and cared about his students.

          Soooo. I am getting really bad at remembering their names. I do remember each teachers face and different things that different teachers did for me. I guess that is the important part. Seventh grade was a good year. I had a female math teacher until she got fired for having sex with a student so she was replaced with a male teacher i didnt like. I had a male science teacher and i have no idea about the other teachers.

 (This is the Iberg Homes Grove Middle School, named after the lady who funded it.)

         Eighth grade was different. I had started at one school and ended at another this year. I was so sad to move and had no friends after i did. I had a female English teacher named Ms. Bell, male history teacher named Mr. Cameron, Female math teacher named Ms. Brown, and a female science teacher named Ms. Hutton. (all these teachers were at the new school.)

(This is the Raymond High School.)

          I had to many teachers to tell. I cant remember the order but I attened this school for four years. I do remember some names such as Ms. Nardone(history and law), Mr. Marshal (biology), Mis. Zano (math), Mis. Osana(history and psychology), Mr. stone (economics) , Mir LaCasse ( music) , (if i start to remember ill add more later.. )
(this picture makes the college look huge but it isn't. This is Hesser college. this is a five story building. The college only took up one whole side of the three sided building (a short end) and the whole bottom floor the another (long end))

      I went to Hesser College in Manchester NH for Early Childhood education. I had some wonderful teachers and I had one teacher who made it ALMOST impossible to pass. I did and she is no longer working there.
(This is Rivier College. All the space between the pink line is the campus)
       This school is huge, but manageable. Once I got used to all the buildings I stopped getting lost. :) This picture is hard to see but the campus is made up of over 27 buildings. That number doesn't count the Sister residences. I am graduating (or graduated depending on the time you read this) soon. Two weeks or so actually. I am happy about my stay at Rivier. I met some wonderful people there who helped me more than I could have ever asked for. I would recommend this college to anyone who were looking into campuses in the Nashua area.

            I'm not ready to give up 18 years of schooling. One day, one walk across a stage, one hand shake, and its over. All I have been doing for my last 18 years of life has been about schooling and its over. I don't like this, but I cant continue schooling anymore. Its just not a good time. Maybe soon I can start onto my path as a social worker like i have been thinking about but now isn't a good time. I just got a job that takes up all my free time. I love the job. (its only been two days on the day I write this)

           Rivier gave me freedom to be me and I didn't have to worry about what people thought as much as i do now. i cant be me and express who i love and who I don't so openly anymore because it could upset someone. I don't want to upset people but i don't want to hid myself either. Its time for me to join the real world and work my 9-6 job and make a living for myself, start a family and get on with life. I sure hope alanon can help me with any problem i have now because i lost the one person i could talk to about everything. Oh well Ill keep the Blog posted.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I went to a funeral today. It wasn't for anyone in my family. It was for a friends dad. The man who died had a drinking problem, which led to his death. This makes me want so badly to go and beg my own father to stop drinking. This man was sick for only a few days and then he passed on. I hope when my dad get sick (since he wont stop drinking) that it comes and goes just as fast. I want him to stop drinking but it wont stop his other behaviors. I want him to stop being so verbally violent. And for some reason i don't believe that him stopping drinking will help him stop being so mean. But I can only hope.

A New Beginning.

I would just like to start by saying sorry for not writing. I have been dealing with life as it comes. I am back that's all that matters. I have come to the part in my life where I part ways with textbooks and tests. I have one final left of my college journey. Its on Monday 5/2/11 and I'm done. :( I have learned so much with my stay at Rivier College. I have learned more about myself, and come to understand things about myself I never knew before. I wont go into that right now but believe i have a greater sense of "self"

I got a job today. I had an interview and a working interview a few days ago.. :) and got the call today. I have the job. I will be working just down the road from my house. Its so close i can walk there. I love that. I am now the lead teacher in the infant room.

I don't know much more to say right now. I just went though a really hard goodbye moment with someone dear to me. I will now call us friends now that the professional side of our relationship is over. No I probably wont ever hear from this person again (which saddens me) but I thank god for putting them into my life. She was given to me when I had given up on myself. She just listened and cared when i felt even my friends didn't. If it wasn't for her I don't know where I would be. Thank you A.