Wednesday, July 20, 2011


I just want to start off by saying this is my facebook status at the moment:

Dear entertainment next door, (my sisters room)
            Please turn down the TV ( Your voices) I would like to finished what I as doing in peace (sleeping so I can go to work tomorrow) that is all.
                                   Love (gerrrrr) your neighbor. (better hope you don't wake dad,)

It is currently 123 Am. Its my favorite time ever  (clock shows 0123) but that doesn't mean I want to very drunk people to wake me up. I was sleeping all comfy in my covers with the ac on and dreaming nicely, when all of a sudden I felt I had left the TV on. So I wake up and open my eyes to see my room is dark with no TV going (scary..) I decided to stubble in the dark to the door. (biggg mistake) I see my sisters boyfriend sitting at the top of the stairs begging my sister to let him back into the room. She told him he wasn't coming back in until the puke was picked up. (so grouse she had puked on the floor by the door. She didn't even try to get it into a bowl or something.) She is so drunk that she cant even stand up with out stubbing around. When she drinks she gets giggly and very violent. She makes bad decisions daily while she is sober, she makes even dumber ones while drunk. She is so violent that while I was watching her she tried to push her boyfriend down the stairs, (but he was holding the wall so it didn't work) She then decided to grab his waist and throw him at the door of her room. which caused it to burst open spilling CD's all over the floor. (huge mess because they all landed in the puke which looks like she spit up water. ) She then tried to blame her boyfriend for the mess like she had nothing to do with it. I told her she needs to stop because i know even drunk people can semi not be dumb. Yeah things are funny but she really doesn't need to act so while. ( i could be wrong. She may be suffering from alcoholism just as my father is, and is unable to do anything normal while she is under its influence.)

I went downstairs to go pee and they followed me there. My sister tried to go outside. I locked the door but she got it open again. (didn't really care. She has been brought home so many times by the copes she knows them all by name and they know her address by heart. Including cops from other towns.) She recently was brought home for drinking on Hampton Beach (a dry beach) for drinking. She has to go to court and pay a $400 fine. And still hasn't learned. I don't think she ever will :( and she has a three year old. I asked her why she doesn't just go to bed and stop acting dumb and she said well dad does it why cant I. (my heart sank. She is saying what she is doing is fine because her own father does it. Well he likes to say mean comments to you as you walk by. Oh wait she does it too. She says she wants nothing to do with my father but yet, she is the closet thing to the original, just female and younger.

This is really hard to watch. They are funny to watch and very entertaining, however alcoholism has grabbed hold of them so strongly, and they don't even see it. It makes me wanna cry but whats the point, that would just be waisted tears. Tears solves nothing, I just need to sit back and wait for something to happen that was planned out for me without my doing. God please help them, they are hurting and could really use you right now.

So on top of a day where I swore if my luck didn't turn around I was gonna crash the car into a wall( so not joking) , i go to the gym (sort of like a walk i was asked to take many many times to feel better... something about endorphins) felt rather pleased with how I was feeling I went home and made dinner. Which turned out awesome. Soup with green beans, corn, carrots, onion (which Is flavoring not meant to eat), beef, spices, and potatoes. Yummm it turned out sooo good. I thought i was gonna hate it but I loved it. When the soup was finished cooking in the cork pot I called Lindsay had a short convo. and we both went to bed. And now I'm here tell you about my adventures of the drunken people. I really wish that i could escape this disease but as i see its everywhere i go. (not sure if I'm spotting it in places it isn't like friends to drink all the time but don't need to drink to function, or sister who drinks and gets dumb because she is dumb, or girlfriend who drinks and was hiding how much she was drinking.) I don't know.. well night everyone.. or good morning depending on if I can go back to sleep.

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